With a strong desire to contribute to the documentation of queer literature in Kosovo and raise public awareness of this literary genre, we have embarked on a six-month project titled "Queer Literature." Our goal was not only to foster a deeper understanding of queer literature within Kosovo's cultural landscape but also to enhance its recognition within the broader context of the LGBTIQ+ advocacy movement.
As part of this initiative, we have constructed an extensive database, serving as a comprehensive repository for a diverse array of Albanian queer authors and writers specializing in queer or queer-themed literature. Additionally, we have curated a selection of Balkan queer authors and writers who have made significant contributions to this genre regionally. Finally, our collection extends beyond borders, encompassing a curated compilation of global queer authors and writers who have made an indelible mark on the world of queer or queer-themed literature.
Explore our unique database by clicking the link below. For the best user experience, please browse from your computer in full-screen mode.
To further expand discussions on this underreported issue, we also organized a public discussion titled 'Queer Literature in Kosovo: Birth or Impossibility?' and a public reading of queer poems titled 'Night of Queer Readings.'

These activities and publications were made possible with the financial support of the European Union as part of the Regional Network for Cultural Diversity (READ) project. The content is the sole responsibility of SEKHMET and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or READ.