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Radio show

There is a wealth of unexplored experiences within the queer community in Kosovo. Unfortunately, LGBT+ perspectives are often overlooked or misrepresented in the media. “Lequ Zemër” is Kosovo’s first radio show entirely dedicated to LGBT+ rights and lives. In partnership with Glam Radio, our goal is to offer a fresh, informative and engaging perspective into the lives of queer communities in Kosovo, whether you identify as part of the LGBT+ family or not.


Tune in to Glam Radio every other Wednesday at 18:00 (frequency 88.6), available throughout Kosovo, and discover more about queer life in the country.


If you miss the live broadcast, you can catch all our episodes on Spotify.


"Lequ Zemër" is a vital component of a year-long project, which includes training for young journalists on queer rights reporting and a professional shadowing program. Here, young and aspiring journalists have the opportunity to collaborate with the "Lequ Zemër" team and actively contribute to the show’s production.

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This project is implemented with the support of #SustainMedia Programme, co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Sekhmet Institute and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EU or the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.


© SEKHMET Institute

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